IV Meeting on Awareness and Sustainability

Konecta Foundation and ABC celebrate the 4th Edition of the Awareness and Sustainability Meeting
This event, a national benchmark, was held to reflect on and debate the importance of weaving a solid network of sustainable practices that will ensure the future of the business horizon, and was attended by the presidents of both organisations, Ignacio Ybarra, on behalf of Vocento, and José María Pacheco, president of Konecta Foundation.
Held in the ABC Gallery, the 4th Awareness and Sustainability Meeting, organised by ABC and Konecta Foundation, with the collaboration of Caja Rural del Sur and Sacyr, was inaugurated under the title ‘360º Vision of Sustainability, Good Practice Pills’, with the aim of sharing initiatives in the social and environmental sphere, intended to generate value for companies, their customers and society in general. Dialogue and engagement of all actors involved are essential for a sustainable future.
The event was inaugurated with a debate focused on social impact and sustainability with the participation of the Regional Minister of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy, Ramón Fernández-Pacheco, and the Regional Minister of Industry, Energy and Mines, Jorge Paradela, which was moderated by the journalist Luis Montoto, followed by speeches by the President of Vocento, Ignacio Ybarra, and the President of Konecta Foundation, José María Pacheco.
The president of Konecta Foundation, José María Pacheco, recognised the “importance” of this event, especially in terms of renewable energies and the riches of the earth, explaining that “the future will be complex because new changes are coming and all companies, in a global world with different rules, will have to adapt. The most important thing to tackle these great challenges of the future is consensus”.
Executives from IBM, MAPFRE, Garrigues, Howden, UN Global Compact Spain, Sacyr, Orange, Canal de Isabel II, Anthesis Lavola and Acciona also took part in the meeting, giving examples of how a company must behave and adapt to the changes demanded by sustainability in today’s environment.

In addition, a round table was held with the participation of Estela Quesada, Director of CSR for Spain, Portugal and Israel at IBM; Clara Bazán, Director of the Insurance and Social Prevention Area at Fundación MAPFRE; nt. Carlos López, Partner in charge of Andalusia and the Canary Islands at Garrigues; Alfredo Arán, Senior Advisor at Howden; and Marta Tomás,Director of Corporate Development at the UN Global Compact Spain. All of them discussed business practices that generate a positive social impact on their environment.
In addition, a number of success stories of responsible companieswere presented during the day, sometimes developed through joint initiativesthat seek to promote a multiplier effect and aligned with the 2030 Agenda of the UN Global Compact, as well as discussing important issues such as how to build a sustainable business culture, implement the circular economy in the company, impact investment initiatives, as well as new regulatory requirements.