
Konecta Foundation, Befesa and the University of Seville join forces to facilitate access to the university for people with autism, through teaching and research activities.

Did you know that between 1 and 2% of the population is affected by autism? A condition that hinders communication and social relationships, as well as adaptation to changes in the environment. Although this disorder is associated with disability, this does not prevent more and more people with an autism spectrum disorder from accessing university.
The Chair of Autism is an ambitious project born in 2021 with the aim of promoting teaching and interdisciplinary research activities related to autism spectrum disorders, in which the TalentUS project is the central activity. It is an initiative oriented to favour students with autism the access to the university system, their academic success and their insertion in the labour market.
The programme also focuses on training and supporting students who voluntarily help and support their classmates with autism, as well as on favouring among teachers the knowledge of educational strategies to avoid academic failure and supporting Secondary Education Centres to facilitate the access to Higher Education for people with autism.
Objectives: the impulse of R+D+I activities on autism, the promotion of activities and training courses within the University of Seville, which currently has 35 students with autism, for the improvement of the students’ training in this field.