
The Green Jobs Hub is an initiative of Konecta Foundation, which is supported by J.P. Morgan and aims to socially and occupationally integrate vulnerable young people and other groups at risk of social exclusion, in jobs committed to the environment, sustainability and the circular economy.

This project, focused on the Community of Madrid and launched in 2021, aims to identify employment niches in the green economy and create a model for the integration of young people and vulnerable groups with little training into the labour market. The hub aspires to be a meeting point for all agents involved in environmental and sustainable activity from which to promote development and innovation in Green Employment, which is expected to generate more than 60 million jobs worldwide with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. 2030 Agenda.
The initiative is divided into two phases. In the first phase, a market study was carried out to analyse the current situation of Green Employment in the Community of Madrid and the profile of young people in vulnerable situations through surveys of companies and training centres in the sector. In the second phase, employment opportunities for young people and vulnerable groups in the green economy were identified, training workshops were held on waste managementand installation of water meters, among others, and candidates were accompanied throughout the internship and job placement process in collaboration with companies participating in the hub. The aim is to have people qualified in the main trades linked to Green Jobs and to achieve their full integration. To achieve this, the hub has alliances with training centres, public administrations, social entities and companies.
Objective: to reach 3,000 direct beneficiaries and more than 5,000 people indirectly in two years.
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Handbook on Circular Economy in Commerce
The mission of the Handbook on Circular Economy in the Commerce Sector is to provide a practical and visible example of a locality that wants to develop the circular economy with practical measures and proposals to be implemented. The Green Jobs Hub promotes this project as a platform that brings together different working groups with entities and institutions, so that more organisations become agents of change towards a circular economy in Spain.