

In collaboration:

From Konecta Foundation, and IBM, we welcome you to the online Customer Communication Training Program.

Its objective is to promote the development of business and communication skills, enabling you to successfully develop a career in the field of customer communication.

It is available on IBM’s SkillsBuild educational platform.

It is composed of 3 courses of approximately 8 hours each.

Upon completion of the course:

You will obtain a certificate issued by Konecta and IBM
You will have access to Konecta’s job listings and you will be part of the company’s selection processes.

Please, fill in the following form so that we can give you the access link.


    Full name*

    DNI/NIE number*

    Telephone number*

    E-mail address*

    Confirm e-mail address:

    Country of residence *

    City of residence

    You are older than 18 years*

    You are unemployed

    How did you get to know us?

    Name of the entity that has informed you about this training program*

    In the event of any incident, please contact Konecta Foundation through the following e-mail address: escuelaibm@fundacionkonecta.org