The Familiares Programme was launched in 2014 by MAPFRE and its mission is to provide employment and training guidance to family members of employees who have some kind of disability, with the aim of achieving their maximum degree of social and occupational integration.

Since its creation, more than 100 users have been attended, for whom an individualised roadmap has been developed,where their situation and personal reality is analysed and a series of actions are proposed to achieve the objectives set, such as: the improvement of their technical or transversal competences, basic tools in the search for employment, the search for training resources or other support resources in the labour market insertion.
From 2019, we will also include care for family members who are minors and have some kind of disability, with the aim of supporting their parents in the search for suitable resources to promote their maximum autonomy and improve their quality of life. With the aim of reaching a greater number of beneficiaries, in 2021 we began collaborating with the Bertín Osborne Foundation, thanks to which the programme provides advice to all the families of the foundation who need it.