Vida Independiente Project – Konecta Foundation and UAM
Konecta Foundation and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) have joined forces to promote and encourage the inclusion and educational participation of people with disabilities.
Konecta Foundation and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) have joined forces to promote and encourage the inclusion and educational participation of people with disabilities.
Konecta Foundation Responde is a project that was created in 2014 and offers personalised advice on accessibility to people with disabilities and the elderly, promoting their autonomy and independent living. This project, promoted by Konecta Foundation, has the collaboration of ASPAYM Madrid.
Since 2018, Konecta Foundation has been running the Emprende + Discapacidad call for applications seeking to support the entrepreneurship of people with disabilities.
Konecta Foundation, Befesa and the University of Seville join forces to facilitate access to the university for people with autism, through teaching and research activities.
Its aim is to improve the digital skills of people with intellectual disabilities in order to promote their inclusion in the labour market.
With a view to 2030, ABC and Konecta Foundation have teamed up every year since 2021 to hold the Awareness and Sustainability Meetings (ESS).
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